
Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Bush Courageously Refuses to Release 9/11 Documents, Compromise National Security 

dawkins writes:

Indeed, remember well this article about the White House trying to run the clock out on the independent 9/11 investigation headed by Thomas Keane.

And what will Bush say when May comes and the investigation isn't nearly complete?

"I welcome the investigation, getting to the bottom of 9/11, but the commission simply didn't complete its work in time. We've been very candid and forthcoming in our help, but it's been costing taxpayer dollars, and now it's time to move on, for the sake of the families..."

...and cue Republican convention at Ground Zero three months after that...

Blicero adds:

From the follow-up article:
In subsequent comments, the White House press secretary, Scott McClellan, turned aside questions of whether the White House would make the documents available.

"There are a lot of ways to provide information to the commission," Mr. McClellan said.

Translation: There may yet be a way to not provide information to the commission, while saying we are providing information to the commission.
"We will continue working with them to make sure they have the information they need

Translation: We will continue working against them to make sure they don't get the information they need
to complete their work and meet the deadline that Congress created."

Translation: and so remain unable to complete their work, thereby failing to meet the deadline that Congress created.

Oh, and:
Bush administration officials said that the White House was wary of turning over the documents for several reasons, including concerns over leaking national security information through the documents.

Heaven forbid the White House should take any actions that might result in the leaking of national security information!


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