
Thursday, November 20, 2003

Bush Renounces Christianity, Embraces the One True God 

QUESTION: Mr. President, when you talk about peace in the Middle East, you've often said that freedom is granted by the Almighty. Some people who share your beliefs don't believe that Muslims worship the same almighty. I wondered about your views on that.

And, Mr. Prime Minister, as a man also of faith I'd like to get your reaction to that.

BUSH: I do say that freedom is the Almighty's gift to every person. I also condition it by saying freedom is not America's gift to the world; it's much greater than that, of course. And I believe we worship the same god.

Well, maybe the Methodists know somethin' different, but here's what the Journal of Lutheran Ethics says:
The question is whether Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Muslims would say that they do. For there is but one God, and to worship anything but that one God is not to worship God at all. Since Christians, Muslims, and Jews all worship the God who created the world, who called Abraham from Haran, and whose Scriptures were completed and perfected by the Qur'an, it seems obvious that they worship the same God.
But Jesus alone is the grounding of the Reign of God in the history of God and in the history of the world...because Jesus alone reveals and embodies God in history, nothing else does.
The God of Islam does not seem to be recognizable in these Christian ways of identifying God.
I dunno George, I'm no theology expert (and obviously neither are you) but it sounds like heresy to me!


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