
Monday, November 17, 2003

Clark's Zip Code Drive 

In case you haven't heard of the Wes Clark campaign's "ZIP(code) Drive," it's this:
The Clark04 ZIP(code) Drive will run from Monday, November 3rd through Monday, November 24th. All donors who contribute through the Clark04 website during the three week period will be counted in the ZIP Drive (minimum donation of $10 required). We will provide an updated contributor total from each of the top 10 ZIP codes at the end of every day so you can track the progress of your community.

We encourage you to give frequently, though the number of donors, not the number of transactions, will be counted in the competition. The ZIP code with the largest number of online donors as of 11:59 pm PST on November 24th wins the ZIP Drive!

General Clark will visit the winning ZIP code for a "Conversation with Clark," as his campaign schedule permits. In addition, each contributor from the winning ZIP code who gives online between November 3rd and November 24th will be invited to a special reception where they will have a chance to meet Wes Clark personally!
I was happy to see that as of today, AmCop's very own 11215 had climbed to the #9 spot on the Top Ten ZIP codes list, tied with Little Rock, AK with a whopping 12 donors. So, as I want (and expect) to meet Clark at, say, the Community Bookstore up on 7th Avenue, I hereby implore all Park Slopers to click here and make a (minimum) contribution of $10 today!


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