
Thursday, February 12, 2004

Does the VP have a 'head'? 

Giuseppe Abote writes:

What? Howard Fineman calling for the Vice-President's head?

There can be no stronger indication that the media have turned on Bush. And suddenly, too, just yesterday Fineman and Isikoff were assailing the "Massachusetts values" of John Kerry.

What's going on? Is this the media's reward to the voters for ousting Dean? Is it a cruel setup? Or am I hopelessly naive to think that our journalists have finally noticed that the electorate is fed up with the current president?

Blicero adds: I fear that calling for the Vice-President's head is a way of setting us up for what/who might be necessary to come fill in the vacuum created by the exit of said head: none other than 'America's Mayor' and crack GOP fundraiser Commandante Giuliani.

I wish I was kidding. I hope I'm kidding.


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