
Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Moral Outrage 

speakingcorpse opines:

Watching the Grammy Awards show on CBS a couple of days ago, I felt a terrible sense of deja vu. It's almost as if Michael Powell's account of his own shocked and horrified response to the exposure of Janet Jackson's breast could be used to describe exactly my own response to the recent Grammy Awards. As Powell said, "Like millions of Americans, my family and I gathered around the television for a celebration. Instead, that celebration was tainted by a classless, crass and deplorable stunt." Exactly. I thought I would see tits and asses pressed against translucent fabric shields, frequently interrupted by exhortations that I buy poisonous psychopharmacological agents or processed food products. Instead, I had to be subjected to the "exposure" of a foreigner's self-righteous views about the future of my nation's politics. What's worse, seeing Janet Janet's nipple guard or hearing that Chris Martin of Coldplay is against George Bush and for terrorism? And wasn't Johnny Cash a socialist, a drug-addict, and an advocate of Palestinian rights?


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