
Wednesday, March 17, 2004

A Prayer for Brooks/Happy St. Patrick's Day!! 

speakingcorpse writes:


I hope you watch the News Program which you regularly soil with your filthy comments. If you watched yesterday, you might have seen the refutation of your entire poisonous argument about how the Spaniards are appeasers, and how pro-Kerry Americans ought to vote Bush if Bush's homeland security policy fails to prevent another major U.S. attack. If we are attacked again under the watch of that simulacrum of death, I'll be even more likely to vote for Kerry than before. And the fact that Bush allowed 9/11 to happen is grounds enough to ensure his 2004 defeat.

But anyway, all of this is irrelevant, because your entirely fascist column supposed, wrongly, that Aznar lost because of the attacks. No--he might have lost anyway; and he DID lose, certainly, because, like his turd of a buddy in Washington, he lied about the attacks, for the sake of political gain. So that's why the Spaniards voted against him.

Please note the following:
MARGARET WARNER: Mr. Checa, what is your reading of what was the number one thing behind the outcome? In other words, was it Aznar's support for the war against Bush or those people, or was it this public perception that he was trying to withhold information about who was behind the bombing?

NICOLAS CHECA: Margaret, I really think what the key issue here is the handling or mishandling of public information in the 48 hours after the tragic events of last Thursday. I think it bears mentioning that the election was a statistical dead heat, according to public polls the morning of the tragedy on Thursday morning well within the margin of error, one or two points. And it was really not until Saturday evening, as Keith in your set-up shared with us, that the government decided to come forward with information as to the arrest of these five suspects linked to al-Qaida.

As an example, it took a personal call from Prime Minister Elect Zapatero to the interior minister, the Spanish homeland security secretary, informing him that the Socialist Party was aware of the arrest and that he was prepared to move forward with that information. It took that kind of information to get the current government to come forward and announce to the country at large that in fact it was not the ETA lead that would generate success down the road in the investigation, but rather the al-Qaida route.

MARGARET WARNER: So you're saying it more than just a public suspicion that they were withholding information, in fact the Zapatero campaign had to essentially pressure the government to release this information?

NICOLAS CHECA: Precisely. Yet there was a report earlier in the afternoon on Saturday coming out of Spanish intelligence agency saying that they were 99 percent confident that ETA was not responsible for the attacks and that all the avenues of the investigation pointed into al-Qaida.

In the early afternoon after the arrests had already been made, the director of the Spanish CIA denied those reports and it was after that that the campaign manager for the Zapatero campaign had to come forward and basically inform public opinion that there was information that was not being shared with the population.
Anyway, what really was the point of your toxic emission today? Was it really that Al Qaeda is winning because their victims don't share your incipient fascism? I guess fire-fighters in America are appeasers, too? I don't believe that you believe any of this poison. Do you really believe Bush is "more aggressively anti-terror" than Kerry, even though Bush obviously lost interest in Afghanistan after a couple of weeks of bombing? Do you believe that Americans are less inclined to appeasement than the Spanish, because, after 9/11, we were collectively lobotomized by our brain-damaged, brain damaging media apparatus? Do you think mindlessly supporting filthy criminals who are trying to loot the treasury really amounts to "resolve"? Do you really think it's to America's credit that it has produced an entity like you? Is it to America's credit that a piece of human waste like you can join forces with Al Qaeda to terrify America's citizens into supporting a kleptocratic government that is now in the process of destroying our freedoms and selling off the entire public sector?

America is attacked, and then it goes fucking insane, whipped into a frenzy by its native-born terrorists like you, and you then say that America has shown resolve in facing down terror. Americans who support Bush post-9/11 have shown the resolve of a psychotically deluded mental patient who kills himself in the belief that he is Jesus, and that his own death will sanctify the world. You're the fellow patient at the mental hospital that tells the deluded false Messiah to jump out the window. This is behavior that's certainly not consistent with your ostentatiously professed Judaism.

So that's what you are: a pseudo-Christ pseudo-killer.

The terrorists did not succeed in influencing the Spanish elections. They succeeded in horribly murdering lot of people. If they murder a lot more people in America, then our rejection of the administration that has allowed the murder to happen will not add to Al Qaeda's success. It will show that we have retained the vestiges of sanity. But if we are attacked, and then we are cowed by Reichstag-burners like you into voting for Bush--THEN Al Qaeda will certainly be able to celebrate its success (facilitated by its fascist, New-York-Times-ruining, fifth-columnists) in fucking up America for good.

So, in conclusion, I pray that Jesus will save you.

Stop shitting out of your mouth and die, so you can go to heaven.

I hope you were thinking about your son's Bar Mitzvah when you shit all over the paper of record today.


P.S. Eat shit.


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