
Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Well, Glad That's Settled 

Mr. Specter told weary supporters in a hotel ballroom here shortly before 1 a.m. Wednesday, "Now is the time, having settled our family disagreement within the Republican Party, to unite, to re-elect President Bush, to maintain the Republican majority in the United States Senate."

Mr. Toomey conceded defeat and urged his supporters to unite behind the Republican ticket.

"I intend to do everything I possibly can to help both President Bush and Senator Specter be re-elected, and I urge you all to do that as well," Mr. Toomey said in Allentown.
No point in disrupting what promises to be a fantastic continuing show. Certainly John McCain, Richard Lugar, Chuck Hagel (not to mention Michael Bloomberg), and every other Republican we deluded Democrats sometimes mistake for having a human soul, will join the effort full force, doing their own small part in propelling the U.S. onward toward true one-party apocalyptic fascism.

Toomey down! To November!!


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