
Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Republicans: Warriors of the Avant-Garde 

This isn't Ryan the scandalized, disgraced former Republican governor of Illinois; this is Ryan the newly scandalized, newly disgraced Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate from Illinois:
In New York, Ryan's former wife described a club "with cages, whips and other apparatus hanging from the ceiling." She said she refused when Ryan asked her to perform a sexual act while others watched.

Ryan denied the accusations and said he felt bad for their son, now 9, that she would falsely accuse him.

"I did arrange romantic getaways for us, but that did not include the type of activity she described," Ryan said in court papers. "We did go to one avant-garde nightclub in Paris which was more than either one of us felt comfortable with. We left and vowed never to return."
Can you hear the fatalism, the absinthe-drenched ghost of Poe, the grim, ecstatic yearning, the hot spark of amour fou, in Ryan's vow "never to return"?

Un flaneur de Paris, notre Ryan...it's like all he did was duck out for a little exquisite corpse, or perhaps intending merely to walk through himself, meeting robbers, ghosts, giants, old men, young men, wives, widows, brothers-in-love, but always meeting himself--and the next thing you know he's being attacked by a bunch of square-as-can-be Democrats.

No doubt Ryan's wishing que Je est un autre right about now!!


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