
Thursday, December 09, 2004

"Beastiality," circa 1972, etc. 

So, anyone been to the CRC website lately? As you know, it is no longer really possible to express ourselves the way we want to on the message board, since all posts now go through the moderator. You may have also noticed that the message board now contains only a handful of posts. Many of the deleted posts have reappeared in the "archive" (which you have to search for), while many of the best posts (i.e. by Holla!, Scats) have been deleted outright. I've been compiling information and thinking about "alternative" ways the AmCop community might communicate more directly with the CRC community. Until then, please enjoy a sampling of my favorite wingnut posts from the archive:

American Psychological Association Statement on Homosexuality

This organization changed their stance on this human malfunction/ sexual perversion because of money. The gay activist and their lobbyist paid alot of money to get the opinion on homosexuality changed. If being gay was normal people wouldn't have to tell others what they are. It is a mental disorder on the cusps of insanity.
[Date=12-03-2004] Name:Anthony bigbluewall@hotmail.com, [Msgid=747000]

Schoolboard Hypocrites...

It's o.k to discuss aperversion of human relationships which is homosexuality, but the mention of God in a school causes many in the school board to shudder. Lets get these social terorist out of here!
[Date=12-03-2004] Name:Anthony bigbluewall@hotmail.com, [Msgid=746998]


As if we do not have enough problems with the kids! Homosexuality is not a civil right issue, not a life style, but a screw up of nature or, the choice of deviant looking for a " rich life style" the easy way. Please, let the parents handle their kids in their own turfs. The school should handle the proper curriculum and we all know what it is.
[Date=12-03-2004] Name:Jean-Claude Aubin Aubinjc@aol.com, [Msgid=746994]

I will attend

I have two children in middle school and hate the current sex-ed curriculum. Since fifth grade they have been taught - Aids, Aids, Aids, and Aids! The proposed changes are going from bad to worse. Most parents do NOT want these warped values taught to their children.
[Date=12-03-2004] Name:Constance ******* cb.at@verizon.net, [Msgid=746425]

promoting bisexuality to 8th graders?!

I will be at the meeting. It's absurd that the liberals who run Montgomery County want to promote bisexuality to 8th graders. It's recruitment, plain and simple. "Hey, Johnny, I know you say you like girls, but you should be tolerant and give bisexuality a try." --Coach Johnson
[Date=12-01-2004] Name:John Hopkinson johnhopkinson2004@yahoo.com, [Msgid=746090]

Fairness for board members

The decision by the schoosboard members is so irresponsible, and inconsiderate of parents, that they should be dismissed without opportunity to explain their actions.
[Date=12-01-2004] Name:Elmer Blankenship eblank03@yahoo.com, [Msgid=745799]

A Stand!

It's about time parents take their children back. The public school system has had their hooks into the American children for years now. I remember in 1972 I was 16 years old and my teacher was teaching the class homosexuality, beastiality, and so on. Now that was 1972, being so young I always thought, why do they have to teach us this? Now its 2004 I can just imagine what the school system tries to ingrain in our childrens minds! This is a great idea, keep the good fight and you will surely win! Cynthia from California
[Date=12-01-2004] Name:Cynthia Hamblin dasweld@msn.com, [Msgid=745698]

total recall

[Date=11-11-2004] Name:ELLEN CLEARY EMCLEAR@AOL.COM, [Msgid=736620]

School Board is Not on Board

As director of the Rockville Pregnancy Center, I strongly oppose the School Board's recent vote for teaching condom usage. Statistics from our Center for the past 15 years indicate that approximately 44% of clients become pregnant while their partner used condoms. This is the reality, and not what is listed in the literature.

Condoms provide false hope of protection not only from pregnancy, but from sexually transmitted diseases and infections as well. But most STDs are transmitted by skin-to-skin contact, areas not covered by a condom.

I am willing to come and speak with the School Board, along with our Prevention Specialist, on the many reasons that their decision is a wrong one.

Gail Tierney, MA
Executive Director
Rockville Pregnancy Center
[Date=11-11-2004] Name:Gail Tierney gail@rcpc.org, [Msgid=736631]

Sex ed topic

I have lived in this county with my husband and 3 kids since 1986, opting to live here to benefit from the great education system for our special needs son (now 21). While I commend the county for their special education program I am thoroughly horrified at the extent to which the board will go to implement this "curriculum" on sexual diversity and how-to's. Our tax dollars should go to helping educate our future leaders in math, science, and how to put a sentence together so that the culture improves and can solve problems, not add to them by promoting activities which invariably lead to STD's, pregnancy, and heartbreak. It is outrageous that they call themselves educators and I will do everything in my power to fire this board and start with a new one. Your fired!
[Date=11-11-2004] Name:Fran Ichijo ichijoy@aol.com, [Msgid=736618]

Outraged in Montgomery County

My husband and I are college educated tax paying citizens of Montgomery County. We are outraged that six people on a school board can call any opposition to their viewpoint "The Minority Report". As a grandparent, I am outraged that you will continue to cancel funding for art and music programs and after school activites, and then institute a program teaching sexual ethics to 13 and 14 year olds. No wonder Japan and other foreign countries send their children to school here and they win all the scholarships and awards. Their heads are not filled with sexual drivel that will not help them compete in the global marketplace. Shame on all of you for thinking you are so omnipotent that you know what is best for everyone elses's child. What goes around comes around and I will be very vocal at the next election about this Board and it's outrageous antics.
[Date=11-11-2004] Name:Carole Celler cceller@aol.com, [Msgid=736608]

you should be ashamed

Well you've finally done it. My wife and I will be actively working and doing all we can to get each of you recalled. We've never been politically active before, or motivated to action in this way. However, we will be recruiting others to this effort.
As an aside, let me suggest you open your eyes to what's going on in the world. Do you think the Japanese, Chinese, or Indians teach this kind of thing in their schools? Of course not.
Todd and Rita Morris
8818 Cold Spring Rd.
Potomac, MD 20854
[Date=11-11-2004] Name:Todd&Rita Morris toddmorr@us.ibm.com, [Msgid=736598]

Pure Evil

Stop promoting EVIL to the young minds of our children!!! I am a resident of Montgomery County and I am among the almost 100% of those who are repulsed by your plans to teach sex education in Montgomery County Schools that promotes the clear ideas that homosexuality and oral sex (that's what the flavored condoms promotes!!!) is just okay and all right. The young mind which is presented with this pure evil filth is the most vulnerable to its influence. Teachings such as these will most certainly turn otherwise good children into over-experimental children who soon become regular participants in the practices of homosexuality and oral sex.

You need to resign from your jobs immediately, if this is what you think is good school government!!

Linda D'Amico
Montgomery County Resident
[Date=11-11-2004] Name:Linda D'Amico dove003@ispwest.com, [Msgid=736595]

Sex Ed

More math, science, english, history less same sex ed and less condoms on cucumbers.
You folks are on the wrong track.
[Date=11-11-2004] Name:Bill Lamb w.m.lamb@att.net, [Msgid=736586]

throw the bumbs out

Dear Poolesville High School and Montgomery County School Board, the reason my three sons will never attend your liberal indoctrination "education program" is because you far exceed your area of expertise. I would hope you have a staff of educators that have advanced degrees in the core subjects. Not a staff of deviant minded professional sex workers. You continue to engage in social engineering instead of core value education that will prepare our children to succeed in the highly competative global employment sectors. When will it stop? How many young lives will you forever damage, destroy and devistate by thrusting them into premature sex rolls? Your arrogance on this issue is unacceptable. Recall and dismiss the School Board members as soon as possible.
[Date=11-11-2004] Name:Rick & Sharon Skipper bombmuseum@hotmail.com, [Msgid=736594]


We vote for the recall of the school board. Get someone
who believes reading, writing, and arithmetic is important.
[Date=11-11-2004] Name:Kenneth Lam klam7@aol.com, [Msgid=736587]

Indoctrination not education!

This is not education it is indoctrination! What right does the school board have to do this to our children? They should all be recalled. Maybe they should give out coupons for free abortions for students who complete the course. These morons have to be held accountable or things will only get worse.
[Date=11-11-2004] Name:Charley Albert charlie12_98@yahoo.com, [Msgid=736559]


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