
Monday, December 20, 2004


Good news--the opposition to the crazy right-wing extremists in Montgomery County, MD, is getting organized. There is now a website:


The site looks very good so far--lots of posts, lots of good info about what the loonies are up to both locally and nationally. I encourage every AmCop reader to visit the site, bookmark it, and send the link to anyone you know in Montgomery County, and ask them to pass the link along to everyone they know.

The tricky situation is that Montgomery County (and other Blue districts around the country) has a liberal majority and a fascist minority. The liberal majority is largely complacent, satisfied with the status quo, and not inclined to organize or act in any way. The fascist minority is furious, angrily dissatisfied with the status quo, rearing to organize, and seems to have a lot of free time on its hands to stir shit up. This is the national conundrum--it's how right-wing extremists start making in-roads and forcing their agenda into the mainstream--because the mainstream doesn't see what they're up to until it's too late, when the right-wing talking points have already been "accepted" as one "side" of a now-legitimized debate.

So please do what you can to spread the word about this site; I'll also put a permanent link in the AmCop sidebar.


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