
Friday, December 03, 2004


If you want to see some of Keith Olbermann's MSNBC coverage of the Ohio recount story click here, here, and here (scroll down a bit).

His reportage has the usual anti-Kerry cliches and is somewhat dismissive of the "fringe" parties that are actually getting the recount to happen, but at least he's covering it. No one will believe its real unless they see it on the TEEVEE.

On Majority Report tonight they were saying that Olbermann's ratings have gone up 124% since he's been following this story. Of course that's a meaningless stat if we don't know how many were watching to begin with, but we can pretend it's a lot and we will feel better. At any rate, as long as he's being commercially rewarded for doing his, (ahem) job he'll keep doing it. So if you've got cable, tune in to Olbermann or write him (KOlbermann@msnbc.com) if you're feeling like you want to pat ole Keith on the head.


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