Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Rice: the memo "did not warn of attacks inside the United States."
Giuseppe Abote writes:
Let me try to keep up with the latest troll spin on this.
1998: Clinton rains cruise missiles on unimportant man named bin Laden; overreacted to embassy bombings in reckless attempt to distract nation from impeachment.
2001: Clinton never recognized the obvious threat to national security posed by '98 embassy bombings; lobbed a handful of pathetic missiles at empty tent like a pussy.
2005: Clinton never even struck at bin Laden in 1998; missiles aimed solely at purported WMD facilities; a collossal error worse than 9/11 and the botched occupation of Iraq.
...what next, trolls?
2006: Clinton pressed launch button while climaxing during oral sex with Lewinsky; damning Whitewater papers and murdered corpse of Vince Foster smuggled in nose cones.
2007: Missiles were not explosives; contained secret plans for joint al Qaeda-Democratic Party terrorist strikes.
2009: Fusillade was aimed at Christ himself; Slick Willie celebrated the bloodbath by conducting a gay wedding.