
Tuesday, January 18, 2005

"Tough questions"? 

Well, as CNN (as well as NPR) says, "some Democrats used the opportunity to ask her tough questions." Oh, really? Like, who asked, Why is literally everything that comes out of your twisted little mouth a fucking murderous lie? Why can sounds not emerge from the hole in your lizard-face without human bodies being blown to gristle and bones ground to meal in the jaws of death-machines?

OK, so there was this:

California Sen. Barbara Boxer questioned Rice aggressively before the panel broke for lunch, suggesting her loyalty to Bush and her mission to defend the war in Iraq "overwhelmed your respect for the truth."

Rice bristled at the comment. "I have to say that I have never, ever, lost respect for the truth in the service of anything," she said.

She later told Boxer, "I really hope that you will refrain from impugning my integrity."

What fucking integrity? What about the "inconceivability" of commerical airplanes being used as terrorist missiles? What about the goddamn mushroom-cloud-as-smoking-gun? What about "Bin Laden Determined to Strike Inside U.S."? Why is this woman who allowed 9/11 to happen being promoted to Secretary of State, and confirmed by the Congress?

When is Rice's trial for perjury going to begin?

Democrats make me sick, sick, sick. Fuck these Senators. None of them are ever getting another dime from me.


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