
Friday, April 15, 2005

I Guess This Is Why I Never Watch TV 

Those of you who watch Paula Zahn on CNN are probably familiar with her Viewers' Choice "Person of the Day" feature.

Well, I happened to catch this yesterday. The three nominees for "Person of the Day" were:

--Bill Clinton, for his work fighting AIDS in Africa.

--The brave students of Red Lake High School, who returned to school for the first time since the deadly shooting spree there.

--The Cookie Monster.

Need I say who the winner was?

Again: the choices were a former President of the United States; the child survivors of a bloody school massacre; and the Cookie Monster.

It was noted that the Cookie Monster, perhaps anti-eponymously, now warns children (due to our heightened awareness of the growing epidemic of child obesity in our nation) that it's OK to eat cookies sometimes, but not all the time.

Viewers' Choice: "Person of the Day"


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