
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Alito is a fucking piece of shit 

From Sidney Blumenthal's column in the Guardian:

"In his application to the Reagan justice department, Alito wrote that his interest in constitutional law was "motivated in large part by disagreement with Warren court decisions ... particularly in the area ... of reapportionment" - which established the principle of one person, one vote. Alito's law career has been a long effort to reverse the liberalism of the Warren supreme court.

In the Reagan justice department, he argued that the federal government had no responsibility for the "health, safety and welfare" of Americans (a view rejected by Reagan); that "the constitution does not protect the right to an abortion"; that the executive should be immune from liability for illegal domestic wiretapping; that illegal immigrants have no "fundamental rights"; that police had a right to kill an unarmed 15-year-old accused of stealing $10 (a view rejected by the supreme court and every police group that filed in the case); and that it should be legal to fire, and exclude from funded federal programmes, people with Aids, because of "fear of contagion ... reasonable or not".

Against the majority of his court and six other federal courts, he argued that federal regulation of machine guns was unconstitutional. He approved the strip search of a mother and her daughter although they were not named in a warrant, a decision denounced by fellow judge Michael Chertoff, now secretary of homeland security. And Alito backed a law requiring women to tell husbands if they want an abortion, which was overturned by the supreme court on the vote of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor."


Also: did any of you see Biden's absurd schtick with the Princeton hat yesterday?

Do you think that if Biden were standing before a firing squad, he would be happy that everyone was paying attention to him? Would he babble and bloviate and soothe himself with the sound of his own voice, even as the rifles were being cocked? What will it take to make that asshole shut up? Who is worse, the maniacal demented bloodthirsty cold-blooded unscrupulous bureaucratic thug who is biding his time calmly before he gets the chance to deal out mass death from a chair on the Supreme Court, or the asshole who is happy about the vicious assassin's appointment because it allows him (the asshole) to talk for a few minutes on television as if his opinion matters?


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