
Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Just happened to stumble across this comment from jim p over at firedoglake--

Everyone forgets that 9/11 stunned and angered us, but the terror part came with the 10-week media reign of the Anthrax Terrorist. (Yes, I know, “who?”). It was during that time that other “threats” were mixed in as well–the frogmen terrorists, the next-door neighbor apartment-blowing-up terrorist, the ambulence/police car-driving terrorist).

We had a period of almost three months of total saturation on the anthrax murderer, and that’s when the fear-imprinting was laid down in the public’s mind. Without this, with just 9/11, I suspect the bait-and-switch (Saddam for bin Laden) wouldn’t have been doable.

For some reason, the "unsolved" anthrax thing keeps falling off my Short List of Shit So Preposterous It More Than Justifies My Most Paranoid Ruminations Concerning Everything That's Happened Since 2000 (1998?), but deserves to go right back to the top.

And all the crazy footnotes (core theses? can you distinguish?), from John Ashcroft going to the media with Steven Hatfill as a "person of interest," to the FBI fucking running the guy over on Wisconsin Avenue? I mean, WTF???


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