
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Fuck Ned Lamont 

I'm sorry, but this "victory" is not just too little too late. It's a distraction and therefore, like all distractions, a cog in the death-machine. The celebration would be pathetic if it weren't a deliberate turning away from mass-murder. The Democrat activist base is in denial.

In case anyone wasn't aware of this, the United States--not Israel alone, but Israel as eager proxy for, and partner of, the United States--is now fighting a second war of aggression against a Middle Eastern country. The U.S. and Israel--as one political and military unit--are waging brutal, murderous, nearly total war against the civilian population and civil infrastructure of Lebanon. Everyone in the world, accept the Americans themselves, understands that this is a U.S. war as much as an Israeli one.

The United States is bombing, invading, and murdering Lebanon.

And U.S. leaders don't even seem to be aware that this is happening--that they themselves have in fact made this happen. And so the idea of saying something about our war, perhaps registering a hint of opposition, has not occurred to Lamont and others.

To the victims worldwide of American/Zionist/Imperialist murder, Ned Lamont is the same as George Bush. And that is only logical.

The victims of U.S. murder have enemies--those who are killing them and those who celebrate over their corpses. Ned Lamont is one of those. So fuck him.


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