
Thursday, August 17, 2006

Get ready for Civil War #2 

Sorry for another post on this, but maybe you'd like a heads-up about what's coming next.

International forces and the Lebanese army are going to South Lebanon. 10.6 billion U.S. bucks are going to Lebanese forces to train them and arm them and help them "resist" Hizballah.

Meanwhile, Italian TV and then worldwide TV are showing a general in the Lebanese Army having tea, laughing, and joking with an Israeli commander in one of the Lebanese border towns a couple of weeks ago, when the town was briefly under Israeli occupation.

So: Hizballah, the force that led the successful resistance to a criminal invasion--which, as the details of its incompetent planning and execution make clear, was undertaken with the blitheness and ignorance and barbarism of men who do not know or care about the complexities of the government of human beings or the preservation of their safety--the force, the only force, that successfully resisted this wanton invasion, undertaken unthinkingly for purposes of infantile self-aggrandizement in Israel and the U.S., this force is expected to turn over its weapons to an army that has always been known, and has now been shown on worldwide TV, to support and facilitate the crimes of Lebanon's mortal enemy.

Do you think Hizballah will give up its weapons? Do you think it should give up its weapons?

Note: many Lebanese did not support Hizballah, an authoritarian fundamentalist organization, before this war. And most now do not want a Hizballah government. But all polls, all interviews, all statements by sectarian leaders indicate that Lebanese of all sects--Shi'ite, Sunni, Christian, Druze--overwhelmingly supported Hizballah's resistance of the U.S./Israeli invasion. This is only to be expected.

(And, I would add, the Hizballah "victory" did save lives: imagine the orgy of demented violence Bush, Olmert, Cheney, Cunt-o-leena, et al., would be planning if this war had proceeded according to "plan.")

Hizballah will not give their weapons to the Lebanese Army. Nor will anyone in Lebanon--including the many who hate and fear Hizballah--want them to give up their weapons.


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