
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Liberalism is dead 

Click here for an analysis of Michael Walzer's defense of the Israeli two-front terror campaign.

Michael Walzer is probably the world's most eminent liberal political theorist. "Liberalism" in this sense is the classical political theory that goes back to John Locke and Thomas Hobbes and Baruch Spinoza. It is the historical bond between what Blicero aptly named the Democrat Establishment Suicide Machine (DESM) and the Republican Death Machine.

A piece like Walzer's provides powerful evidence that even the best and most articulate Democrats are slaves to an ideology of selfishness, competition, capitulation, and murder. It also helps to explain why the entire "progressive" blogosphere is trying to "change the subject" away from the second U.S.-sponsored mass-murder campaign in the Middle East in the last three years.


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