
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

NYT's Excellent Adventure 

Shorter David Brooks:

Dude! This election is like totally weird!

I'm not even kidding:

Last winter, Barack Obama succeeded by running a weird campaign.


But over the course of the spring, Obama’s campaign got less weird.


But by campaigning in this traditional way, Obama ceded the weirdness edge to McCain.

The old warrior jumped right in. Think about how weird last week was.


If I were advising the candidates, I’d tell them to double down on weirdness.


remember: Weirdness wins.

Yah, brah! Like what if there was piece of dandruff on McCain's suit that if you were infinitely small would look like a whole 'nother solar system and on the tiny dandruff earth there was an even weirder election with a super-small John McCain with a piece of dandruff that...


Dude...like seriously. Seriously. Seriously? They PAY me for this man! And like grown people with like educations and shit like actually read it. No lie. THAT's what's fuckin' weird, man! ...I like... shape...opinion...

...so now like everyone will totally know how weird this election is...

...dude, I totally love my job, dude. Like God Bless the US, nawmean?


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