
Thursday, October 02, 2008

Electoral Map with Lots of Blue on It 

Just a moment of enjoyment before the inevitable shitstorm of McCage smear ads and media "narrative" acquiescence makes the race "tight" again.

One cool thing at electoral-vote.com is their "This Day in 2004" function.  So here is today's Obama/McCage map, and here is the Kerry/Bush map from Oct. 2 2004.

Aside from the obvious fact that Obama is doing better than Kerry was, one thing I notice is the difference in the strength of their respective support in blue states.  At this time in 2004, Kerry was polling 50% or better in only seven states.  Today, Obama's at 50% or better in nineteen--count 'em, nineteen--states.

His support--at least right now--is just far more solid than Kerry's was.


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