
Friday, October 03, 2008

"Patriotic Grace" 

I just listened to Noonan on NPR's On Point, discussing her new book Patriotic Grace: What It Is and Why We Need It Now.  I should have turned off the radio, but instead listened with the special rapt repugnance one reserves for listening to brutal child rapes through the wall of a neighboring apartment.

Noonan isn't so much lamenting the rise of vulgarity and the decline of "patriotic grace" in politics as much as she is scolding the masses for having a very bad attitude about Washington.  Fortunately (this seemed to be Noonan's actual thesis) this situation will be remedied whether we like it or not when a massive terrorist attack will teach the people an important lesson about helping one another and remind them who's really in charge.  Thus a "New Unity" will be established.

You can buy the book here.


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