
Thursday, November 06, 2008

Still fucking delirious. 

I report the following symptoms:

-Even less sleep than before from surfing endless happy news articles on the web.

-Absolutely no diminution of my happiness whatsoever.

-Immense pleasure at watching Palin et al ingesting shit and their own flesh.

-Repeated listenings to Girl Talk's "Feed the Animals," which I am convinced won the election for Obama because I listened to it on the train on my way to my election party. It is free and you should download it!!! I can't recommend it enough. It is biracial music, music in which contradictory styles are clearly and shamelessly fucking each other's brains out, and is thus prophetic of recent events in exactly the same way that Radiohead's OK Computer foresaw the Bush years.

-Curiosity about cultural changes that will soon be coming in droves. Already upon us is the implosion of the art market. But a much larger shift is going to gradually register, which I can only call a shit reduction. What will be the implications for not just AmCop, which has been at the forefront of the shit eruption for nearly a decade, but even beloved voices such as The Daily Show and Colbert Report, grounded as they are in a neverending experience of powerlessness by those with common sense and decency? Big questions.

-Finally, I am compelled retire my blogging name, Finchy, taken from the odious aging Lad of The Office UK. I kicked his ass to the curb.


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